ERC-JSPS exchange fellow visit by Dr Fumiko Watanabe Nara
We have been delighted to welcome visiting researcher Dr Fumiko Watanabe Nara, and her family, to the School of Earth and Environment and the RISeR project for 9 months. Fumiko is a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellow, and is visiting RISeR as part of an ERC-JSPS exchange scheme. Her expertise in estuarine geochemistry has been key to the RISeR project developing new approaches to sea-level reconstruction, as marine microfossils have proved hard to find in our sediments. Fumiko has worked closely with Postdoctoral Research Fellow Graham Rush to develop protocols for organic carbon, sulphur and nitrogen analyses through the RISeR cores. We look forward to a long and fruitful collaboration with Fumiko.